The Mental Illness Stigma

Mental illness is one of the most stigmatized illnesses in the world. The way we talk about it and react to it has a huge impact on people who have mental illnesses, and by changing the way that we communicate with each other we can prevent much of this stigma. One way to help break the stigma associated with mental illness is through education.

Stigma is a barrier to understanding and getting help. When we talk about mental illness differently, we can start to break the stigma associated with it.

Mental illness is a lot more common than people think. It affects 1 in 4 adults during their lives and it can have a negative impact on their day-to-day life if not managed. Mental illness is not the same as a brain injury or physical disability. It's more complex and can include a range of symptoms including mood, sleeping, eating and substance abuse issues. It's not something someone causes to themselves, it often occurs as a result of a complex combination of factors that scientists are still learning about.

Here are some things to know about mental illness. In America close to 29 million Americans experience mental illness each year, and stigma can make this complex and often misunderstood illness difficult to navigate. Mental illnesses are just as serious as other physical illnesses. It can be treated with therapy, medication and lifestyle changes.

Mental illness is not just a state of mind, it is a severe medical condition. 1 in 5 Americans will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. Over half of all people who die by suicide have depression or another mental illness – and suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. There’s hope for everyone who suffers from mental illness, though it requires treatment and care from professionals who can help us get better.


 Navigating the Path to Mental Health Care: A Comprehensive Guide for You and Your Loved Ones


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